CERAKOTE CTC-998 is package system for interior ceramic tile reconditioning in areas such as bathroom area, etc. Old ceramic tiles become new and clean again without removal. CERAKOTE CTC-998 consist of one set of Water Based primer coat (CTP-980 WB) and two set of Top Coat (CTC-998). CERAKOTE is made by high quality resin with excellent adhesion and good resistance against house hold chemicals such as : detergent, soap, cleaning fluids, etc

Features & Benefit :
• Consist of Waterbased Primer, no odor
• Excellent adhesion on ceramic tile
• Very good flow
• Excellent water resistance
• Excllent scratch resistance
• Easy to apply, just brush and roll

Packaging : 3 lt-set


Application Procedures :


  1. Clean ceramics tile surfaces to be painted from oil, dirt, crust, fungus, and other containants. Sand throughly. Surface must be dry before painting.
  2. Mix one set of Primer Coat (CTP-980 WB) with mixing ratio by weight Primer component A : Primer component B = 4 : 1. Stir until homogeneous. Can be thinning by water 5-10% (only when necessary). The mixture will harden in 60 minutes, mix as much as needed. Coverage is 10 m?2;/kgset per coat.
  3. Apply mixed material using roller / brush. To achieve smooth surface, use a good quality roller.
  4. For optimum result, allow to dry and cure for 6-8 hours before applying Top Coat. Make sure to clean equipments with water immediately after painting.
  5. Mix one set of Top Coat (CTC-998) with mixing ratio by weight Top Coat component A: Component B = 4 : 1. No thinning needed. Stir until homogenous. The mixture will hardenin 45 minutes. Mix as much as needed. Coverage is 10 m?2; / kg-set per layer.
  6. Apply one layer of mixed material using roller and brush on top of Primer. To achieve a smooth surface, use a good quality roller. Make sure to clean equipments with thi8nner immediately after painting.
  7. For optimum result, wait for 3-4 hours before applying second coat Top Coat repeat step 5 and 6. For omtimum result CERAKOTE can be sprayed by adding thinner epoxy/ serbaguna 10-15%. allow paint to completely dry overnight before using the painted surface.

Technical Data Sheet

Type Two component solvent less system
Finish Gloss
Material consumption 11 m?2; /lt-set (40 micron/layer)
Drying time Touch dry 60 minutes (30° C)
Hard dry 3 jam (30° C)
Full Cure 48 hours
Packaging 3 lt-set
Self Life 1 year in unopened container
Thinner Thinner included
Application method Brush, roll dan spray
Cleaning After use, wash equipments immedaitely